Manajemen Sistem linux dengan webmin

Webmin adalah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk memudahkan manajemen sistem di unix/linux sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi pengetahuan yang dalam tentang sistem karena semua disajikan dengan tampilan web based jadi tinggal klik sana sini dan input sana sini.

Disisi lain penulis tidak menganjurkan pemanfaatan webmin untuk belajar, kenapa ? karena jika ingin mengetahui sistem lebih dalam mulailah sedasar mungkin jika sudah mengetahui pondasinya silahkan pergunakan jalan pintas terutama di dunia kerja.

Sampai saat ini penulis lebih tertarik untuk membuat sendiri otomatisasi script untuk keperluan sendiri yah sekalian belajar juga ^_^.

Okeh langsung, bagaimana cara install webmin;

1. download versi terbaru saat tulisan ini diketik.

2. Extract
sudo tar xzvf webmin-1.550.tar.gz

3. Masuk ke direktori extract tadi dan jalankan perintah instalasi
cd webmin-1.550/
sudo sh

4. Ikuti perintah yang ada seperti dibawah ini hingga selesai.

------------ sample ------------------------
* Welcome to the Webmin setup script, version 1.550 *
Webmin is a web-based interface that allows Unix-like operating
systems and common Unix services to be easily administered.

Installing Webmin in /home/predi/webmin-1.550 ...


Webmin uses separate directories for configuration files and log files.
Unless you want to run multiple versions of Webmin at the same time
you can just accept the defaults.

Config file directory [/etc/webmin]:
Log file directory [/var/webmin]:

Webmin is written entirely in Perl. Please enter the full path to the
Perl 5 interpreter on your system.

Full path to perl (default /usr/bin/perl):

Testing Perl ...

Perl seems to be installed ok


Operating system name: Ubuntu Linux
Operating system version: 11.04

Webmin uses its own password protected web server to provide access
to the administration programs. The setup script needs to know :
- What port to run the web server on. There must not be another
web server already using this port.
- The login name required to access the web server.
- The password required to access the web server.
- If the webserver should use SSL (if your system supports it).
- Whether to start webmin at boot time.

Web server port (default 10000):
Login name (default admin): stealth
Login password:
Password again:
Use SSL (y/n): y
Start Webmin at boot time (y/n): y
Creating web server config files..

Creating access control file..

Inserting path to perl into scripts..

Creating start and stop scripts..

Copying config files..

Configuring Webmin to start at boot time..

Creating uninstall script /etc/webmin/ ..

Changing ownership and permissions ..

Running postinstall scripts ..

Enabling background status collection ..

Attempting to start Webmin mini web server..
Starting Webmin server in /home/predi/webmin-1.550
Pre-loaded WebminCore

Webmin has been installed and started successfully. Use your web
browser to go to


and login with the name and password you entered previously.

Because Webmin uses SSL for encryption only, the certificate
it uses is not signed by one of the recognized CAs such as
Verisign. When you first connect to the Webmin server, your
browser will ask you if you want to accept the certificate
presented, as it does not recognize the CA. Say yes.

---------- akhir contoh ----------

5. akses webmin anda dengan mengetikkan alamat ip di url diikuti :10000 ( port default webmin)

6. selamat mencobah.... ^_^


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